“You will be around a lot longer than that expensive handbag you carry!”
- Coach A-aron!”
Why Now?
The “Why Now Questionnaire” (Sale of 1 to 5)
***Not for diagnosis or treatment purposes. Only to give you a way of measuring desire for change!***
(1 = Very Unsatisfied) (2 = Unsatisfied) (3 = Somewhat Satisfied) (4 = Satisfied) (5 = Very Satisfied)
Level of Satisfaction with:
My Self
My Future
My Relationships
My Vocation
My Purpose
TOTAL ___________
Whatever your total score, what it is worth to have full satisfaction in your entire life?
If you were given a Coach, a Plan and Simple Steps to overcome fear and become the best version of yourself,
what would that be worth to you?
Maybe a better question: Are you worth it?